31 March 2010

The Fall and Rise of Dave the Dataset

Hello, my full name is data10_7TeV.%$%$%$%$%.RAW but you can call me Dave. I am a dataset within ATLAS. Here I will be blogging my history and that of all the dataset replicas and children datasets that the physicists produce from me.

I came about from data taking at the LHC on the 30th March 2010 from the ATLAS detector.
I initially have 1779 files containing 675757 events. I was born a good 3.13TB
By the end of my first day I have already been copied so that I exist in two copies on disk and two sets of tape. This should result on my continual survival so as to avoid loss.
So I am now secure in my own existance; lets see if any one care to read me or move to different sites.

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